
The Peachland to Summerland section of the Fur Brigade Trail, a
ride that I’ve meant to explore for nearly a decade - was finally
conquered this past March. It’s odd that it took me so long
to explore it, as the trailhead lies at an easy-access point
adjacent to Hwy 97, near the community of Peachland.
This path, part of a trading route used by First Nations for
approximately six thousand years, is but one section of the
overall Fur Brigade Trail, and offers a taste of local history
while providing incredible vistas. Europeans first used this
route in 1811 to move furs from central BC to the lower Columbia,
then onto the west coast. In later years, this route was
used by gold miners headed for the Cariboo.
These days, a narrow natural-surface two-track road sits upon
this historic route, which is also a section of the proposed
‘Trail of the Okanagans’ route, which begins at Priest’s Camp near
Garnet Lake, and runs down to Peachland.
The portion if the Fur Brigade trail that I’m highlighting here
can be accessed from the top-down, via Garnet Lake, or bottom up,
via Hardy St. in Peachland; I’m suggesting that you do this
bottom-up / return, if only because this will allow you a fun
downhill ride (assuming that you are riding this route) after you
spend a good bit of sweat gaining the lookout atop this trail
Begin by turning off Hwy 97. at Hardy St., located 3.7km. south
of Peachland (intersection of Peach Ave. and Hwy.97). Head
up Hardy St. to the first major left turn, 220m along, where the
road changes title to Thorne Rd. Continue up Thorne Rd. a
further 570m, where the road splits. Take the left up Meadow
Valley Rd. Travel up Meadow Valley Rd. for a distance of
700m, to a point at which the road rises to the right, and signs
appear ahead and on your left, noting the trailhead for the Fur
Brigade Trail.
Park in a safe manner, and enjoy the trail.
SweetSingletrack.ca hosts Google Earth and GPS tracks for this
route in case these directions are unclear.
From the parking area, you’ll ascend a generally mellow old
two-track for a distance of 4.1 km., to the incredible vistas to
be found at the L’Arbre Seul look-off. All but about 2% of
this overall route is rideable for beginner to intermediate
riders. That 2% is only unridable due to a loose tread
surfaces on a pair of brief, steepened pitches.
Should you desire, you can continue south to Garnet Lake and the
historic Priest Camp site, located a further 3.6km. south of the
look-off, though this post only describes the Peachland-to-lookoff
route, as that’s where the best vistas are to be found.
Sections of an old irrigation flume can be found at a point 1.4km.
along the route, measured from the bottom trailhead. The
area adjacent to the hidden flume is wide, flat and park-like on
your left hand side, and invites a walk / look-see. Directly
over the edge lies the flume.
Low: 570m | High: 737m | Length:
4.1km. | Water: Not potable | Cell: Full