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Smith Creek has been on the 'to do list' for this site for some time now, but one thing or another - mostly a lot of riding and hiking, has gotten in the way of the task. As I've just returned home from a great Smith Creek ride this evening, there is no time like the present; click here to see an NRC 'Topo' of the area or click on the image above for a zoomed-in version of the Google map. The overview presented here covers several routes, including the 'classic' Holy Pail DH route as well as Feel The Love and Soul Train. I'd suggest that this trail is pedal and hike only, equestrians will be shocked at the number of cyclists along the way, and likely will not enjoy that aspect of this intermediate to advanced trail. While not commonly ridden by Penticton locals until the last few years (circa 2011) according to an old black and white, hand-drawn map I happened upon several years ago, the Smith Creek singletrack trail has been around since about 2004. From what I gather, the substantial task of it's creation was due to the blood and sweat of numerous individuals, including Jim, Gary, Don, Montey, Randy, Dale, Kurt, Leanne, Mike and Scott. I have been telling everyone that asks that its "the best mountain bike ascent and wildly fun descent in the valley", and after one ride I'm sure that you will agree! I suspect that those who designed the trail may harbor a disdain for gut-busting ascents, as this route's long switch-backing method of gaining elevation is so subtle that its almost fun (if its possible to say that about climbing a steep mountainside on a 30+ lb. bicycle). As you approach the summit, the trail gets steeper and a bit more strenuous, but at this point you are nearly to the top anyway. Numerous rest-stop / lookouts along the way offer an opportunity to say "enough!" or gather the fortitude to go on a little further. Amazing vistas spread out before you along the way. You also have the option of stopping at Kid Din-O-Myt & the Log Ride or continuing on to the 'Second Summit'. On the flip side, the descent is beyond fun; exhilarating to the absolute extreme. Those of you who have experienced our local 'TsweetTsu' (Three Blind Mice) and 'Lisa's' (on the Rez') massively banked trails will absolutely love the Holy Pail's amazing "11 Switchbacks of Doom". From the Kid Din-O-Myt & the Log Ride "first summit" you have two descent options; 1) follow the service road west for a few dozen meters and you will see a top trail head appear on your left or 2) double-back about 10m down the ascent track you used to attain the Kid Din-O-Myt & the Log Ride area and continue along the singletrack to the 'Second Summit'. Much of the downhill section is laden with small to medium sized wooden, dirt and metal (!) jumps; all sporting safe 'go-arounds'. I've not counted the exact number, but suspect that its in the range of 25 to 30 'hits'. Most of these are intermediate in difficulty, and even a 'jump-weenie' such as myself can launch most of them. Those interested in exploring these launches might wish to pack body armour to the summit, as the downhill route lends itself to aggressive speed - exacerbated by the numerous 'airtime' events... To access the Holy Pail trail head, one must travel 55km (yes, its worth it) from downtown Penticton to the West Kelowna parking lot; detailed directions appear at the end of this chapter. Once at the trail head, most riders will check out the 'warm up loop', a sub-section of the Holy Pail where one can, well, 'warm up'. The brave may wish to try their skills on the various trail ramps and teeter-totters; as of 2011 they are still in decent condition and appear to be well-built / maintained. That said, do yourself a favor; dismount and inspect stunts prior to riding them! I've added a inset image here detailing the start area, as it can be confusing to first-timers. Park at the first large dirt parking area, located on your left approximately 4.6km from the left-hand turn onto Elliot St., off Highway 97 (as seen from the perspective of one heading north along Hwy.97) Pedal up the dirt road perhaps 500m, where you will see a second, smaller parking lot, also on your left. At the top right corner of this small lot you will notice a well-used entrance into the forest; up ya' go! Keep your eyes on the trees, as they are marked - circa 2011 - with small 'Up' indicator arrows. Ride this flowy singletrack until it rejoins and crosses Smith Cr. Rd. Continue along the visually obvious trail until you are either exhausted or at the summit! As noted earlier, the 'new top' is a wee bit higher than the course shown here, but once you are at this summit I suspect that you will not be wanting for more anyway :-) The ascent crosses the downhill run on numerous occasions along the way, thus ample opportunities to 'bail out' exist. Keep your eyes and ears open for riders descending! The trail is fairly well marked as you ascend, just keep scanning the trees, or better yet; take along an electronic copy of the GPS and / or Google Earth files that are freely available on this website. Download them onto a GPS device or smartphone and you will not experience any difficulties following the Holy Pail trail. I'd definitely recommend this tactic to new riders to the area, as there are numerous crossing and intersections along the way; both up and down. Getting There Heading north along Hwy.97, turn left onto Elliot Rd. as you pass through West Kelowna. Follow this road approximately 4.6km, meandering up the hillside. Turn right onto Smith Creek Rd. and travel up the gravel road until you reach a large parking area on your left.
Low:636m | High:1125m | Length:13.7km| Water:None | Cell:Most areas |